Getagged met marine conservation
Plastic Clean Up - Marine Conservation
If you are interested in Marine Conservation and have a week or two available, you could be a part of this fantastic Marine Conservation program. Lead beach cleans, analyse data collected, conduct plastic awareness workshops in the local community, and assist with sea turtle conservation in Thailand.
Dive Master in the Philippines
If you dream of replacing your 9-5 job with a dive mask and a coral reef, if you want to improve your skills and just become one bad ass diver, or if you’re interested in a career in conservation or marine biology, this opportunity is for you.
Vrijwilligerswerk en duiken op Fiji
Duik in het kristalheldere water van Fiji en ervaar de rijke biodiversiteit van de Zuid-Pacifische Oceaan. Maak 1-2 duiken per dag en help mee in het onderzoek naar het behouden en beschermen van het mariene leven op Fiji.